Kommenden Anpassungen an den Klassen am 25. Januar 2023
In wenigen Tagen erscheint mit Patch 10.0.5 das erste Content-Update für World of Warcraft: Dragonflight und dieses beinhaltet neben neuen Features auch haufenweise Anpassungen den den Klassen. Es gibt sogar komplett neue Talente, überarbeitete Fähigkeiten und vieles mehr. In unserer Übersicht Klassenanpassungen aus Patch 10.0.5 gibt es eine detailierte Auflistung dazu. Zusätzlich wurden nun noch vorläufige Patchnotes für Hotfixes mit allerlei Klassenänderungen am 25. Januar veröffentlicht. Wir haben sie übersetzt.
- Deutsch
- Englisch
- Druide
- Gleichgewicht
- Finsternis (Mond) erhöht nun den Schaden, den Sternenfeuer auf nahen Feinden verursacht um 30% statt 50%.
- Wiederherstellung
Üppiges Grün heilt 10% weniger.
Adaptiver Schwarm erhöht nun die Effektivität periodischer Effekte um 20% statt 25%.
Adaptiver Schwarm heilt nun 10% weniger und verursacht 10% weniger Schaden.
Traumzustand reduziert nun Abklingzeiten um bis zu 20 Sekunden statt 15 Sekunden.
- Gleichgewicht
- Magier
- Feuer
Alle Fähigkeiten verursachen 5% mehr Schaden.
- Frost
Alle Fähigkeiten verursachen 5% mehr Schaden.
- Feuer
- Paladin
- Heilig
Barriere des Glaubens sammelt nun 50% der Effektivität von Lichtblitz und Heiliges Licht statt 40%.
- Heilig
- Priester
- Disziplin
Blitzheilung heilt 25% mehr.
Erneuerung heilt 25% mehr.
Machtwort: Glanz heilt 100% mehr.
Blendender Glanz erhöht die Heilung von Machtwort: Glanz nun um 10% statt 100%.
Sünden der Vielen erhöht den verursachten Schaden nun um maximal 40% statt 30%.
Göttliche Aegis erschafft nun ein Schild mit der Effektivität von 3%/6% der kritischen Heilung statt 5%/10%.
- Disziplin
- Schurke
Kampfausdauer gewährt nur noch 5% statt 10% Ausdauer.
- Schamane
Heilende Woge heilt 15% mehr.
Totem der Manaquelle stellt nun 400 statt 200 Mana auf Stufe 70 her.
Kraft der Totems reduziert die Abklingzeit von Totems um 3/6 Sekunden statt 2/4 Sekunden.
- Elementar
Flammenschock verursacht 10% mehr Schaden.
Kettenblitzschlag verursacht 10% mehr Schaden.
Lavastrahl verursacht 10% mehr Schaden.
Erdbeben verursacht 10% mehr Schaden.
- Wiederherstellung
Welle der Heilung heilt 6% mehr.
Saurer Regen verursacht 120% mehr Schaden.
Flammenschock verursacht 20% mehr Schaden.
Lavaeruption verursacht 20% mehr Schaden.
Meister der Elemente erhöht die Effektivität des nächsten Zaubers um 20% statt 10%.
- Hexenmeister
- Gebrechen
Jäger der Seelen verursacht 25% mehr Schaden.
- Dämonologie
Herrschaft der Tyrannei lässt Dämonischen Tyrannen beschwören 7% zusätzlichen Schaden pro Stapel von Dämonische Knechtschaft verursachen statt 5%.
- Gebrechen
- Krieger
- Waffen
Donnerknall verursacht 30% mehr Schaden.
Spalten verursacht 5% mehr Schaden.
Wirbelwind verursacht 10% mehr Schaden.
Klingensturm verursacht 5% mehr Schaden.
Verwunden verursacht 15% mehr initialen Schaden.
- Furor
Wütender Schlag verursacht 10% mehr Schaden.
Hinrichten verursacht 15% mehr Schaden.
Toben verursacht 10% mehr Schaden.
Vernichter verursacht 15% mehr Schaden.
Blutdurst verursacht 10% mehr Schaden.
Blutbad verursacht 5% mehr Schaden.
- Schutz
Vorsicht, Einschlag! erhöht nun den Blockwert um 3% statt 5% pro Stapel.
Brutale Vitalität lässt nun 10% statt 15% des Schadens Zähne zusammenbeißen verstärken.
Schildspezialisierung erhöht nun den Blockwert um 12% statt 15% pro Rang.
- Waffen
Spieler gegen Spieler
- Items
- Auszeichnung des Gladiators (Schmuckstück-Setbonus)
Der Bonus auf das Primärattribut wurde um 40% verringert.
Gewährt nun 35% mehr Ausdauer.
- Auszeichnung des Gladiators (Schmuckstück-Setbonus)
- Todesritter
Die Heilung von Todesstoß ist nicht mehr reduziert.
Verbesserter Todesstoß hat weiterhin eine um 50% verringerte Effektivität.
Die Schadensreduzierung von Gegnern durch Entkräften ist um 33% verringert.
Das Absorbschild von Rune des Zauberschutzes hat nur noch eine Effektivität von 33%.
Die Zauberzeitverringerung von Rune des Zauberschutzes hat nur noch eine Effektivität von 33%.
- Unheilig
Nekrotische Wunde von Nekrotische Wunden absorbiert nun 4% statt 5% der Heilung und heilt nur noch um bis zu 4% der Maximalgesundheit statt 5%.
Virulente Seuche verursacht nicht mehr 30% erhöhten Schaden.
- Druide
Krallenhieb verursacht 18% weniger Schaden.
Zerfetzen verursacht 18% weniger Schaden.
Wilder Biss verursacht 15% weniger Schaden statt bisher 20%.
- Gleichgewicht
Orbitbrecher setzt nun die Stapel beim Betreten einer Arena zurück.
Vollmond verursacht nur noch Schaden in Höhe von 60% der Zaubermacht statt 80%, wenn durch Orbitbrecher ausgelöst.
Zorn verursacht 50% mehr Schaden.
Sternenfeuer verursacht 50% mehr Schaden statt 20%.
Sternensog verursacht 40% mehr Schaden statt 20%.
Neumond, Halbmond und Vollmond verursachen 20% mehr Schaden.
Umbralumarmung erhöht den Schaden von Zorn oder Sternenfeuer um 40% statt 50%.
Tier 2-Setbonus: Erhöht den Schaden von Zorn oder Sternenfeuer um 15% pro Stapel statt 20%.
Tier 4-Setbonus: Erhöht den Schaden von Sternensog um 20% statt 35%.
- Wildheit
Wilde Raserei verursacht 10% weniger Schaden.
Rasende Regeneration heilt 50% weniger statt 38%.
- Wiederherstellung
Rasende Regeneration heilt 50% weniger statt 38%.
Sprießende Blätter ist nun 50% statt 70% effektiv.
- Rufer
- Verheerung
Tiefer Atem verursacht 20% mehr Schaden statt 40%.
Dominanz des Spruchwirkers gewährt 20% statt 30% erhöhten kritischen Schaden.
Desintegration verursacht 20% mehr Schaden statt 15%.
Azurstoß verursacht 20% mehr Schaden.
- Bewahrung
Der HoT-Effekt von Traumprojektion kann nun dispelled werden.
Traumprojektion kostet nun 4% Mana.
- Verheerung
- Jäger
Brüllen der Aufopferung (PvP Talent) ist nun 50% weniger effektiv.
- Magier
- Arkan
Arkanes Bombardement ist nun 40% statt 65% effektiv.
- Arkan
- Mönch
- Nebelwirker
Die Manaregeneration ist nun um 10% statt 15% verringert.
Einhüllender Nebel heilt 25% mehr.
Verpuppung (PvP Talent) - Reduziert die Abklingzeit von Lebenskokon um 45 Sekunden.
- Nebelwirker
- Paladin
Göttlicher Schutz reduziert nun den Schaden um 30% statt 20%.
Lichtblitz heilt 15% mehr.
Aura der Abrechnung kann nun 100 statt 50 Stapel aufbauen. Der Abrechnung-Effekt aktiviert sich erst bei 100 Stapeln
Weihe verursacht 50% mehr Schaden.
- Heilig
Aura der Abrechnung (PvP Talent) erhöht nun den Schaden des nächsten Einsatzes von Richturteil um 25% statt 100%.
Heiliges Licht heilt nun 75% statt 40% mehr.
Heiliger Schock heilt 15% mehr.
Es wurde ein Fehler behoben, wodurch Richturteil von Aura der Abrechnung nicht immer kritisch traf.
- Vergeltung
Letzte Abrechnung verursacht 20% weniger Schaden.
Strahlender Erlass verursacht 33% weniger Schaden.
Kreuzfahrerstoß verursacht nun 80% statt 30% mehr Schaden.
Heilende Hände ist nun 70% statt 50% effektiv.
Urteil des Templers verursacht 10% mehr Schaden.
Letztes Urteil verursacht 10% mehr Schaden.
Exorzismus verursacht 80% mehr Schaden.
Rechtbringer (PvP Talent) verursacht nun bis zu 8% statt 10% Schaden.
Tier 2-Setbonus: Erhöht den Schaden von Richturteil, Klinge der Gerechtigkeit und Aschewelle um 10% statt 15%.
- Schamane
Entfesselte Erde von Schild entfesseln bricht nun durch Schaden und hält nur 2 statt 4 Sekunden.
- Wiederherstellung
Wasserschild stellt nur noch 1% statt 2% Mana durch Nahkampfangriffe wieder her.
Die Schadenserhöhung durch Sturmhüter ist nur noch um 67% effektiv.
- Elementar
Lavaeruption durch Urzeitlicher Sog verursacht 60% mehr Schaden.
Tier 2-Setbonus hat nun 50% weniger Effektivität.
- Krieger
Der Blutungsschaden durch Donnerndes Gebrüll (Talent) hat wieder 100% Effektivität
Aufruhr (Talent) hat keine um 50% reduzierte Abklingzeit mehr.
- Furor
Schlachthaus (PvP Talent) hält nun 16 statt 12 Sekunden an.
Stählerner Sturm (Talent) hat wieder 100% Effektivität statt 50%.
- Druid
- Balance
Lunar Eclipse now increases the damage Starfire does to nearby enemies by 30% (was 50%).
This is an adjustment to the 10.0.5 PTR values for this ability.
Developers’ notes: The redesign of Lunar Eclipse proved to be a bit overtuned during testing so we’re reining it in a bit. The current tuning should still make Lunar Eclipse the ideal state for when you’re dealing with multiple enemies at once. Additionally, we’re fixing an unintended bug caught during testing that caused Shooting Stars to not benefit from Cosmic Rapidity.
- Restoration
Verdancy healing reduced by 10%.
Adaptive Swarm now increases the effectiveness of periodic effects by 20% (was 25%) for Restoration druids.
Adaptive Swarm healing and damage reduced by 10%.
Dreamstate now reduces cooldowns by up to 20 sec while channeling Tranquility (was 15).
Developer’s notes: We are making targeted adjustments primarily aimed at Restoration Druid’s Mythic Plus performance. Our goal is to also avoid much impact to their raid performance.
- Balance
- Mage
- Fire
All ability damage increased by 5%.
- Frost
All ability damage increased by 5%.
- Fire
- Monk
- Mistweaver
Lesson of Despair now increases critical strike while above 50% health (was 80%).
This is an adjustment to the 10.0.5 PTR values for this ability.
- Mistweaver
- Paladin
- Holy
Barrier of Faith now accumulates 50% of effective Flash of Light and Holy Light healing (was 40%).
- Holy
- Priest
- Discipline
Flash Heal healing increased by 25% (Discipline only).
Renew healing increased by 25% (Discipline only).
Power Word: Radiance healing increased by 100%.
Ultimate Radiance increases the healing done by Power Word: Radiance by 10% (was 100%).
Sins of the Many increases damage dealt by 40% at its highest effectiveness (was 30%).
Divine Aegis create a protective shield for 3%/
6% of critical healing done (was 5%/ 10%).
Developers’ notes: Our changes to Discipline are aimed at improving the spec’s ability to react to burst damage, especially in dungeons. At the same time, we’re tuning down a talent that’s contributing more than intended to Discipline’s overall healing. Between these tuning changes and talent changes in 10.0.5, we expect Discipline to be slightly more effective in raids and significantly more effective in dungeons.
- Discipline
- Rogue
Combat Stamina stamina bonus reduced to 5% (was 10%).
Developers’ notes: Outlaw’s survivability in challenging content has been consistently higher than what we expect and intend. As a result, we are reducing Combat Stamina’s bonus to a value more appropriate for its position and single-point cost.
- Shaman
Healing Surge healing increased by 15%.
Mana Spring now restores 400 Mana at level 70 (was 200).
Totemic Surge reduces the cooldown of Totems by 3 seconds/
6 seconds (was 2 seconds/ 4 seconds). - Elemental
Flame Shock damage increased by 10% (Elemental only).
Chain Lightning damage increased by 10% (Elemental only).
Lava Beam damage increased by 10%.
Earthquake damage increased by 10%.
- Restoration
Healing Wave healing increased by 6%.
Acid Rain damage increased by 120%.
Flame Shock damage increased by 20% (Restoration only).
Lava Burst damage increased by 20% (Restoration only).
Master of the Elements increases the effectiveness of the Shaman’s next Nature, Physical, or Frost spell by 20% (was 10%).
Developers’ notes: These changes for both Elemental and Restoration are aimed at improving their capabilities in dungeon content. We feel Restoration is lacking in reactive healing as well as damage contribution, so we’re increasing single target heals and a few damage abilities and talents. We’re also increasing the effectiveness of Master of the Elements, which is intended to encourage weaving in damage spells while healing.
- Warlock
- Affliction
Harvester of Souls damage increased by 25%.
- Demonology
Reign of Tyranny causes Demonic Tyrant to deal 7% additional damage for each stack of Demonic Servitude active at the time of his summon (was 5%).
Developers’ notes: Overall, we’re happy with Demonology’s AOE capabilities. However, we feel their single-target profile needs a bit of help. We’re increasing the damage output of Reign of Tyranny to accomplish this. Ideally, Reign of Tyranny serves as a strong single-target oriented choice in comparison to Grand Warlock’s Design which works well in content like M+.
- Affliction
- Warrior
- Arms
Thunder Clap damage increased by 30%.
Cleave damage increased by 5%
Whirlwind damage increased by 10%.
Bladestorm damage increased by 5%.
Rend initial damage only (not periodic) increased by 15%.
Developers’ notes: The 10.0.5 talent tree update for Arms will make for more flexible builds, however, their performance in AOE in Dungeons and Raids hasn’t been where we would like relative to other specs, so we’re additionally making some tweaks to improve things.
- Fury
Raging Blow damage increased by 10%.
Execute damage increased by 15%.
Rampage damage increased by 10%.
Annihilator damage increased by 15%.
Bloodthirst damage increased by 10%.
Bloodbath damage increased by 5%.
Developers’ notes: Despite a strong start to Season 1, Fury’s performance has fallen behind where we’d like it to be. 10.0.5 will see some minor changes to their talent tree but these are more related to encouraging build diversity than providing more throughput so we’re making some additional changes to help their damage output.
- Protection
Brace for Impact now increases block value by 3% (was 5% per stack).
Brutal Vitality now causes 10% of the damage you deal to add to your Ignore Pain (was 15%).
Shield Specialization now increases block value by 12% per rank (was 15%).
Developers’ notes: Protection Warriors are currently dominating tank populations. While we do want all tanks to feel powerful, our data and overall perceptions of tanks put Protection Warriors ahead of the pack. We’re making some small talent adjustments that are overbudget to help address this.
- Arms
Player versus Player
- Items
- Gladiator’s Distinction (Trinket Set Bonus)
Primary stat provided by the bonus decreased by 40%.
Stamina provided by the bonus increased by 35%.
Developers’ notes: We’ve seen that overall PvP pacing, especially in arena, has been very fast as players acquire more gear/
tier sets. This leaves less room for player reactions than we would like. In conjunction with the rest of the balance changes, we’re adjusting the primary stat and stamina bonus from Gladiator’s Distinction to help address this.
- Gladiator’s Distinction (Trinket Set Bonus)
- Death Knight
Death Strike healing is no longer reduced in PvP Combat (was reduced by 25%).
Improved Death Strike’s effectiveness is still reduced by 50% in PvP Combat.
Enfeeble’s enemy damage reduction against the Death Knight is now reduced by 33% in PvP Combat.
Rune of Spellwarding’s absorb shield is now 33% effective in PvP Combat.
Rune of Spellwarding’s cast speed reduction is now 33% effective in PvP Combat.
- Unholy
Necrotic Wound from Necrotic Wounds now absorbs 4% of healing done (was 5%) and heals the Death Knight for up to 4% of their max health when its effect ends (was 5%).
Virulent Plague no longer deals increased damage in PvP Combat (was increased by 30%).
Developer’s Note: Death Knight survivability continues to be higher than we are comfortable with, especially against casters, so we are targeting passive parts of their defensive kit while adjusting Death Strike’s healing up as a more proactive survivability tool. Additionally, Unholy Death Knights are dealing too much overall damage, so we are adjusting Virulent Plague.
- Druid
Rake damage reduced by 18% in PvP Combat.
Rip damage reduced by 18% in PvP Combat.
Ferocious Bite damage reduced by 25% in PvP Combat (was reduced by 20%).
- Balance
Orbit Breaker now resets its count when entering an arena match.
Full Moon damage reduced to 60% power (was 80% power) when triggered by Orbit Breaker in PvP.
Wrath deals 50% increased damage in PvP.
Starfire deals 50% increased damage in PvP (was 20%).
Starsurge deals 40% increased damage in PvP (was 20%).
New Moon, Half Moon, and Full Moon deal 20% increased damage in PvP.
Gathering Starstuff (Balance Druid 2 piece set bonus) grants 15% increased damage to Wrath or Starfire per stack (was 20%).
Touch of the Cosmos (Balance Druid 4 piece set bonus) grants 20% increased damage to Starsurge (was 35%).
Umbral Embrace increases Wrath or Starfire damage by 40% (was 50%) in PvP.
- Feral
Feral Frenzy damage reduced by 10% in PvP Combat.
Frenzied Regeneration healing reduced by 50% (was reduced by 38%) in PvP Combat (Feral and Restoration only)
- Restoration
Frenzied Regeneration healing reduced by 50% (was reduced by 38%) in PvP Combat (Feral and Restoration only).
Budding Leaves is now 50% effective in PvP combat (was 70%).
Developers’ notes: Feral damage has been much higher than we are comfortable with, so we are lowering it. Additionally, both Feral and Restoration have been too survivable when targeted, so we are lowering the healing from Frenzied Regeneration for those specializations. Balance druid’s single target pressure is behind other casters. We’d like to reward them for using cast time spells like Wrath and Starfire a little bit more, while at the same time fixing some issues that caused Orbit Breaker to do more damage than intended.
- Evoker
- Devastation
Deep Breath deals 20% increased damage in PvP (was 40%).
Spellweaver’s Dominance grants 20% increased critical strike damage in PvP (was 30%).
Disintegrate deals 20% increased damage in PvP (was 15%).
Azure Strike deals 20% increased damage in PvP.
Developers’ notes: Devastation Evokers’ burst potential is higher than we’d like, so we’re reducing it a bit to give players more time to react to damage.
- Preservation
Dream Projection’s heal over time effect can now be dispelled.
Dream Projection now costs 4% base mana.
Developers’ notes: Dream Projection has been more impactful and efficient in Preservation’s healing breakdown than we would like.
- Devastation
- Hunter
Roar of Sacrifice (PvP Talent) now deals 10% of damage the target suffers to the pet (was 20%).
Developers’ notes: We have been concerned with Hunter pet survivability, particularly during Roar of Sacrifice. We are adjusting the damage transfer from Roar of Sacrifice to help.
- Mage
- Arcane
Arcane Bombardment is now 40% effective in PvP combat (was 65%).
Developers’ notes: Arcane Bombardment has remained a more effective execute than we would like after our previous reduction to its effect. We are lowering it again with the goal of increasing the opportunities for opponents to counterplay.
- Arcane
- Monk
- Mistweaver
Mana Regeneration now decreased by 10% in PvP Combat (was 15%).
Enveloping Mist healing increased by 25% while in PvP combat.
Chrysalis (PvP Talent) - Reverted a previous change. Now reduces the cooldown of Life Cocoon by 45 seconds.
Developers’ notes: In a previous recent change, we adjusted Mistweaver mana regeneration. The result was more than we would like, so we are adjusting it back a bit. Enveloping Mist’s healing was reduced for PvE purposes at the start of Dragonflight, so we are increasing its healing to match its previous levels in PvP.
- Mistweaver
- Paladin
Divine Protection now reduces damage by 30% while in PvP combat (was 20%).
Flash of Light healing increased by 15% in PvP combat.
Aura of Reckoning max aura stacks raised to 100 (was 50). The Reckoning effect now activates at 100 stacks.
Consecration damage increased by 50% in PvP combat.
- Holy
Reckoning (PvP talent) now increases the damage of your next Judgment by 25% (was 100%). The tooltip for Aura of Reckoning will be updated to reflect this in a future patch.
Holy Light now heals for 75% more in PvP combat (was 40%).
Holy Shock healing increased by 15% in PvP combat.
Fixed an issue that caused the Judgment from Reckoning to not always critically strike.
- Retribution
Final Reckoning damage reduced by 20% in PvP Combat.
Radiant Decree damage reduced by 33% in PvP combat.
Paladin Retribution Class Set 2-piece now increases the damage of Judgment, Blade of Justice, and Wake of Ashes by 10% in PvP Combat (was 15%).
Crusader Strike now deals 80% increased damage in PvP combat (was 30%).
Healing Hands now 70% effective in PvP combat (was 50%).
Templar’s Verdict damage increased by 10% in PvP combat.
Final Verdict damage increased by 10% in PvP combat.
Exorcism damage increased by 80% in PvP combat.
Lawbringer (PvP talent) now deals up to 8% of the enemy’s maximum health (was 10%).
Developers’ notes: Aura of Reckoning has been much more powerful than intended, so we are making targeted adjustments to slow down its availability for all Paladins and its healing/
damage contribution for Holy Paladins. We are increasing some of Holy’s other healing spells with the goal of a more balanced healing breakdown for this class. Additionally, Paladins have been squishier than we would like, so we are increasing Divine Protection’s defensive capabilities to help in this area. Retribution Paladins have high burst potential without counterplay, so we are adjusting their burst capability downward while bringing up some of their sustain damage, to have a healthier playstyle. Lawbringer has represented a higher-than-expected damage contribution due to Judgment based procs within the Talent Tree, so we are reducing its value slightly.
- Shaman
Earth Unleashed from Unleash Shield now breaks on damage and lasts 2 seconds (was 4 seconds).
- Restoration
Water Shield now returns 1% mana when struck by a melee attack in PvP combat (was 2%).
Stormkeeper’s damage increase is now 67% effective in PvP Combat (Restoration only).
- Elemental
Elemental Shaman’s Dragonflight Season 1 2-piece Tier Set bonus has 50% reduced effectiveness in PvP Combat.
Primordial Surge’s Lava Burst damage increase is now 60% effective in PvP Combat.
Developers’ notes: In conjunction with the above game-wide adjustments to their healing spells, we are making further adjustments for healthier gameplay in PvP. Root mechanics typically break on damage, and Unleash Shield was an exception to this, so the root will now break when enough damage occurs. We’re not applying diminishing returns to it, but decreasing its duration as well. Additionally, we felt that Restoration Shaman mana regeneration from Water Shield and burst capability with using Stormkeeper was too high, so we are adjusting those down. Finally, Elemental shamans’ burst has been higher than we would like, with minimal time for opponents to react, especially as players have been obtaining tier set bonuses.
- Warrior
Thunderous Roar (Talent) bleed damage no longer deals reduced damage in PvP (was 50% reduced).
Uproar (Talent) no longer has a reduced cooldown effect in PvP (was 50% reduced).
- Fury
Slaughterhouse (PvP Talent) now lasts 16 seconds (was 12 seconds).
Storm of Steel (Talent) no longer has a reduced damage reduction effect in PvP (was 50% reduced).
Developers’ note: Fury Warriors have fallen behind other melee specializations, so we’re increasing the duration of Slaughterhouse to allow access to the max effectiveness of their healing reduction more often.