Patch 10.1.7: Inkarnation des Zorns - Große Übersicht
Der fünfte Content-Patch für World of Warcraft: Dragonflight ist Patch 10.1.7 und nennt sich Inkarnation des Zorns. Es handelt sich um einen "Small Patch" und läutet somit keine neue Saison ein, aber trotzdem gibt es allerlei nette Neuheiten sowie Anpassungen, auf die wir uns freuen können.
Das große Highlight von 10.1.7 ist wohl das neue Open-World-Event Traumsprünge, welches die Story rund um den Smaragdgrünen Traum einleitet, die voraussichtlich in Patch 10.2 eine wichtige Rolle spielen wird. Nachtelfen und Untote bekommen endlich ihre Traditionsrüstung inklusive coolen Questreihen und neuen Customization-Optionen. Apropo Questreihen, die Geschichte rund um Tyr geht weiter und Velen möchte mit uns über eine mysteriöse Prophezeiung reden. Handwerker können über 100 neue Erfolge freischalten, für das Drachenreiten gibt es einen neuen Rennmodus und vieles mehr. Aber das ist nur der Gipfel des Hochbergs.
Wann erscheint Patch 10.1.7?
Patch 10.1.7 erscheint am 05. September 2023 auf den nordamerikanischen Servern und einen Tag später, am 06. September 2023, auf unseren europäischen und somit deutschen Servern. Die meisten Inhalte stehen dann auch direkt zur Verfügung ohne großartiges Timegating. Allerdings starten im Laufe der Zeit noch einige neue und alte Events, die interessant sein dürften.
Die großen Highlights von Patch 10.1.7
- Durch das neue Open-World-Event Traumsprünge können allerlei neue Sammelsachen und Catch-Up-Ausrüstung bis Itemlevel 437 gesammelt werden.
- Der Megadungeon Dämmerung des Ewigen bekommt einen heroischen Modus mit zwei Teilen.
- Das Traditionsrüstungsset für Untote und Nachtelfen sind da und es gibt dazu passende coole Questreihen.
- Die Geschichte rund um Hüter Tyr geht weiter, nachdem wir bereits einiges über seine Vergangenheit erfahren haben.
- Velen hat eine Prophezeiung erhalten, über die er mit uns reden will. Dadurch können neue Customization-Optionen für Draenei freigeschaltet werden.
- Nachtelfen und Untote sollten zum Friseur gehen, denn es gibt allerlei neue Anpassungsmöglichkeiten.
- Das neue Ping-System sorgt ab sofort für eine einfachere und bessere Gruppenkommunikation.
- Mit über 100 neuen Erfolge für Handwerksberufe gibt es ein wenig was zu tun im Bereich der Berufe.
- Fans des Drachenreitens bekommen durch den neuen Modus Herausforderung für alle Drachenrennen wieder neuen Content.
- Durch die Sell Junk-Funktion können standardmäßig alle grauen Gegenstände ganz einfach beim Händler verkauft werden.
- Vom 20. September bis zum 06. Oktober findet das Braufest mit neuen Belohnungen statt.
- Vom 26. September bis zum 30. Oktober findet das Zeitwanderungs-Event Turbulente Zeitwege mit neuen Belohnungen statt.
- Vom 04. Oktober bis zum 17. Oktober findet das Drachenreit-Event Pokal der Östlichen Königreiche statt.
- Vom 18. Oktober bis zum 01. November finden die Schlotternächte mit einem neuen Kampf gegen den Kopflosen Reiter sowie neuen Belohnungen statt.
- Sammel-Nachschub in Form von X Reittieren, X Haustieren, X Spielzeugen, X Drachenwächtermanuskripten, X Titeln und allerlei Transmogzeug.
- Und vieles mehr …
Die offiziellen Patch 10.1.7 Patchnotes
Zu jedem neuen Update für World of Warcraft gibt es natürlich auch eine lange Liste an Patchnotes, in der alle offiziellen Veränderungen aufgelistet sind. Das trifft entsprechend auch auf Patch 10.1.7 zu und die Liste ist ziemlich lang, wobei die vielen Klassenanpassungen für den Großteil verantwortlich sind. Viel Spaß beim Durchforsten!
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Bisher nicht verfügbar.
- Each week one of the four original zones of the Dragon Isles will be affected by the Dreamsurge. World quests will be focused on this zone, extra activities and weeklies will be active, group rares will have new powers and a chance to drop upgraded gear, and new Waking Dream portals (think invasions) will open across the zone.
- A major Waking Dream portal will open as a group event every half hour. Defeating it will require a large group of players and has the chance to reward raid level gear.
- Minor Waking Dream portals can be found scattered across the zone and can be defeated by solo players or small groups.
- Players in the Dreamsurge will gain access to a variety of buffs that range from useful to powerful to chaotic. Every half hour a new buff will be selected for the whole region, with the players themselves choosing which one via collecting and “voting” (turning in) Dreamsurge Coalescence, an item that can be earned by doing activities (including world quests), finding hidden stashes, and killing group rares.
- Thaldraszus will be the initial zone active for the PTR.
- Soar through Eastern Kingdoms skies with the dragonrider racing event, Eastern Kingdoms Cup. Challenge 16 races across Eastern Kingdoms in Normal, Advanced, and Reverse variations to earn Riders of Azeroth Badges to exchange for rewards with Maztha.
- Head to the Holiday Enthusiast outside Valdrakken’s bank to pick up the initial quest.
- Follow Velen’s prophecy to reveal a new future for some of the draenei people.
- Developers’ note: Draenei have been temporarily disabled to address a bug in this PTR build.
- Heritage armor is now available for Night Elf and Forsaken.
- Developers’ note: The Heritage armor questlines will not be appearing on the PTR.
- 5 new skin colors available for Forsaken.
- Developers’ note: Available for female Forsaken in a future PTR build.
- New face markings and body tattoos for Night Elf.
- Restoration
- New Talent: Master Shapeshifter – Your abilities are amplified based on your current shapeshift form, granting an additional effect.
- Bear Form – Ironfur grants 30% additional armor and generates 2,500 mana (at level 70).
- Cat Form – Rip, Ferocious Bite, and Maim deal 60% additional damage and generate 10,000 mana (at level 70) when cast with 5 combo points.
- Moonkin Form – Wrath, Starfire, and Starsurge deal 30% additional damage and generate 2,500 mana (at level 70).
- New Talent: Grove Guardians – Summons a Treant which will immediately cast Swiftmend on your current target. The Treant will cast Nourish on that target or a nearby ally periodically. Lasts 15 seconds. Maximum 3 charges. Replaces Nourish.
- Wild Synthesis has been updated – If talented into Grove Guardians, now causes your Treants from Grove Guardians to also cast Wild Growth immediately when summoned, healing allies within 40 yards over 7 seconds.
- Embrace of the Dream is now a 1 point talent and its healing has been decreased by 20%.
- All healing reduced by 2%. Does not apply in PvP combat.
- Deep Focus has been removed.
- Forest’s Flow has been removed.
- New Talent: Master Shapeshifter – Your abilities are amplified based on your current shapeshift form, granting an additional effect.
- Restoration
- Mistweaver
- Developers’ note: Mistweavers may notice some changes to the Mana Tea ability in the Fury Incarnate PTR. We’re still working on the final changes to this spell before placing it on the Mistweaver talent tree. Our main goal for this redesign is to centralize Mistweaver’s mana management into a dynamic, evergreen talent that offers a satisfying way to actively engage with mana as a resource and addresses some longstanding mana concerns in a more permanent way. We look forward to hearing your feedback on this topic!
- New Talent: Energizing Brew – Mana Tea now channels 50% faster and generates 20% more mana.
- Mana Tea has been redesigned – For every 25,000 mana (at level 70) you spend, you gain 1 stack of Mana Tea, with a chance equal to your critical strike chance to generate 1 extra stack. Activate to consume 1 stack of Mana Tea per 0.5 seconds to restore 3,000 mana (at level 70) and reduces the mana cost of your spells by 50% for 1 second per stack of Mana Tea consumed after drinking. Can be cast while moving, but movement speed is reduced by 40% while channeling.
- Lifecycles has been redesigned – Vivify has a 25% chance to cause your next Rising Sun Kick or Enveloping Mist to generate 1 stack of Mana Tea. Enveloping Mist and Rising Sun Kick have a 25% chance to cause your next Vivify to generate 1 stack of Mana Tea.
- Mastery of Mist is now a baseline effect for Renewing Mist.
- Invigorating Mists has moved to Mastery of Mist’s previous location.
- Mana Tea has moved to Invigorating Mists previous location.
- Spirit of the Crane has been removed.
- The locations of Mists of Life and the Nourishing Chi / Calming Coalescence choice node have swapped.
- Mistweaver
- Holy
- Tower of Radiance has been redesigned – Flash of Light and Holy Light now generate 1 Holy Power.
- Holy
- Angel’s Mercy has been redesigned – Now reduces the cooldown of Desperate Prayer by 20 seconds.
- As you adventure across the Dragon Isles, test your dragonriding race skills with the new Challenge Course. How well can you fare without resource generation?
New Challenge Courses in each zone will unlock weekly, first in the Waking Shores, then Ohn’ahran Plains, the Azure Span, Thaldraszus, the Forbidden Reach, and finally Zaralek Cavern. Once unlocked, each set of courses will remain permanently available.Developers note: Challenge courses are now available in the Waking Shores and Ohn’ahran Plains.Challenge courses are now available in the Azure Span.- All courses will now be available with Fury Incarnate’s launch.
- Infinite Scales Drakewatcher Manuscripts that drop from the Dawn of the Infinite mega-dungeon have been renamed to Visage of the Infinite and now include: Scales, Hair Color, Horn Color and Eye Color instead of just scales. Players who have already earned the Infinite Scales will automatically unlock the Infinite themed Hair, Horn and Eye colors within the Rostrum of Transformation.
- The mega-dungeon has been split into two separate dungeons on Heroic difficulty: Galakrond’s Fall and Murozond’s Rise.
- Players can use Dungeon Finder or walk into the instance to access Heroic difficulty.
- The original Mythic difficulty will continue to exist for players who prefer that challenge.
- Ghouls, goblins and seekers of haunted mementos, Hallow’s End approaches, and with it, new content! We’re looking for some additional testing for this year’s Hallow’s End holiday event that’s now available on the PTR for the next two weeks. Be sure to hop in and submit feedback.
- Developers’ note: Dates reflected on PTR do not reflect the actual holiday date. Looking forward to scaring, er sharing, this experience with you!
- New Headless Horseman dungeon encounter – Increase the difficulty of the encounter by adding new mechanics by speaking to the Wicker men at the dungeon’s entrance. The curses are not party wide and afflict only those who enable them.
- Ghouls, goblins and seekers of haunted mementos, Hallow’s End approaches, and with it, new content! We’re looking for some additional testing for this year’s Hallow’s End holiday event that’s now available on the PTR for the next two weeks. Be sure to hop in and submit feedback.
- New holiday rewards for Brewfest, Day of the Dead, Hallow’s End, and Pirate’s Day.
- Alchemy
- Greater Draconic Phial Cauldron now lasts 5 minutes (was 3 minutes).
- Alchemy
- Vengeance
- Illidan’s Grasp has been redesigned – You strangle the target with demonic magic, stunning them in place and dealing Shadow damage over 5 seconds while the target is grasped. Can move while channeling. Use Illidan’s Grasp again to toss the target to a location within 40 yards, stunning them and all nearby enemies for 3 seconds and dealing Shadow damage.
- Developers’ note: We’ve updated Illidan’s Grasp to now cancel its channel when other actions are taken and instead deal periodic damage for its duration. We feel this better matches gameplay expectations and is easier to understand.
- Illidan’s Grasp has been redesigned – You strangle the target with demonic magic, stunning them in place and dealing Shadow damage over 5 seconds while the target is grasped. Can move while channeling. Use Illidan’s Grasp again to toss the target to a location within 40 yards, stunning them and all nearby enemies for 3 seconds and dealing Shadow damage.
- Vengeance
- Restoration
- Master Shapeshifter has been removed as a PvP talent option.
- Restoration
- The new Ping system allows you to quickly communicate with your team without having to use voice or text chat. Holding G + Left Mouse Button opens up a ping wheel where you can quickly call out commands such as Attack, Assist, Warning, and On My Way. You can also send contextual pings by holding G and clicking an enemy, the ground, or the unit frames.
- Developers’ note: If G is already bound to another function, the Ping entry under Keybindings will be unbound.
- Macro support the following Ping commands:
- /ping
- /ping attack
- /ping assist
- /ping onmyway
- /ping warning
- /ping [@target] attack
- Ping System settings have been added to the Options panel.
- Ping radial wheel categories have been reordered.
- Format for Ping chat lines have been updated.
- There are now two modes to activate the ping wheel, removing the need to click and drag the mouse to select pings:
- Press and releasing the hotkey will trigger a ping at mouse position.
- Press and holding the hotkey will trigger the radial wheel at the position the hotkey was originally pressed.
- Ping chat lines are now available for Text-to-Speech.
- The new Ping system allows you to quickly communicate with your team without having to use voice or text chat. Holding G + Left Mouse Button opens up a ping wheel where you can quickly call out commands such as Attack, Assist, Warning, and On My Way. You can also send contextual pings by holding G and clicking an enemy, the ground, or the unit frames.
- Whispers that may contain harassing chat sent from a player you are not friends with will now be hidden. You will be prompted with a warning message asking if you’d like to see it anyway. If the whisper is revealed, there will be a Report Player option directly in the message so the offending player can be reported easily. This feature can be found in Options > Social > Censor Messages.
- Added a “Sell All Junk” button to vendors.
- Made the scroll bar more noticeable in the Dragon Isles Summary window.
- Added an animation for new mail icon.
- Battle.net quest icon has been updated.
- Increased Party Lead icon size in Dungeon and Raid queue prompts.
- Ready Check prompt frame art has been updated.
- Minimap tracking for Tuskarr Tackleboxes can be toggled with Find Fish.